The CareQuality Commission have rated the Roebuck Nursing Home as: “Good“
Their full inspection report can be read on line file by clicking the Read CQC Full Inspection Report
button or visiting their web site at: https://www.cqc.org.uk
The Roebuck Nursing Home publishes our Service Users Guide with information about our care home you might find interesting. Click the Service User Guide download button for this PDF file
The Roebuck Nursing Home publishes our Statement Of Purpose document with more technical information about our Care Home and standards you should read.
The Statement Of Purpose document is available on request.

Medical Care
24-hour nursing care from our highly qualified caring team of committed professionals
Meal Preparation
Good food matters to us, so our menu, kitchen and staff echo this.
Rated 5 stars in food hygiene
Large private garden with flowers, and patios with seating make for a nice place to be and see
TV and WiFi
Residents Rooms and Lounges are fitted with large flat screen TVs with numerous channels and free WiFi

Fine Rooms
Each of the 63 Residents rooms has an en-suite fitted to luxury hotel standards
Car Park
Our large free car park is shared with the adjacent Hotel so you can be sure of a space when visiting
Modern Building
Our purpose built modern design building provides all the facilities we need on site to provide excellent care
On-site hairdressing salon or indulge in one of the beauty treatments available

Staff Profile Feature
Cheryl – What do you love about working in the care sector?
I just love coming into work and trying to make a difference in other people’s lives. The people are here because they can’t look after themselves anymore. The fact that we are coming in to look after them, or just help them with their day to day lives, is just rewarding. I think it’s easy to take things for granted like getting up in the morning and being able to go to the bathroom and have a shower, or make your own breakfast. It’s these simple things that make you independent and we don’t realise one day that could be taken away from us. Coming into work and helping the residents with those things makes me feel like I’m doing something worthwhile.
For the full interview, visit https://www.hcpa.info/case_studies/cheryl/
Staff Profile Feature
Kym – What would you say to someone who has hesitations about coming into care?
You get a lot of support from the staff. I help anyone who is interested in care for the right reasons, even if they are hesitant. My own daughter works in community care and never in a million years did I think she would do care. It’s absolutely brilliant. You have to just give it a go and you build confidence as you go. It can be upsetting at times but every day is highly rewarding. We have an open-door policy so you always get the support from leadership you need.
For the full interview visit https://www.hcpa.info/case_studies/kym/

Contact details:
Roebuck Nursing Home
London Road,
Herts SG2 8DS
Web: https://roebucknursinghome.co.uk
Email: reception@roebucknursinghome .co.uk
Phone: 01438 740 234
Fax: 01438 894 996
Or use the contact form and we will reply.
Access to our nursing home is via the shared car park entrance of the Roebuck Inn Hotel. Drive up through the car park and the nursing home is at the end. Parking is free.